Our family has spent many days playing dress-up over the years. There have been plenty of princesses, pioneers, super heroes, orphans, and even spies. But in the past couple years the amount of items in the dress-up tubby has significantly decreased. They’ve either become too small or not of interest any longer. But in the Jordan household we still play dress-up. Whether it’s for making movies, pretending to be a mountain climber in the backyard, or posing for photoshoots… we still need an array of interesting outfits! The latter was the case this past week. We dug through back closets in an attempt to find clothes to represent as many different eras as we could. The endeavor resulted in many laughs and more photos than I could possibly share. But here are a few of our favorites. Hope you enjoy looking at these photos as much as we enjoyed creating them!

Till next time!