Our home was an unexpected gift from a good God who provides for His children. When we moved into this house, we had three little girls…ages 6, 3, and 2, and a three bedroom ranch style home seemed so spacious! 10 years and two babies later, it’s the same amazing gift, but it seems a bit cozier than it did in those early days!
Over the years we’ve tried almost every possible combination of bedroom living arrangements. But as the kiddos grew, the lopsided nature of four girls in one room, and our son in the other became too glaring. Especially with two of the girls being teenagers!
While our kids have hardly ever complained about the tight living quarters, Jeremy and I became determined to figure out another arrangement. Again, God provided the perfect solution for this stage of life. Our home has a back “bonus” room off of our kitchen, which also connects to our living room. Initially it was a TV/ toy room, then a family room, and eventually it became my office. We had never seriously considered turning it into a bedroom because it would make the kitchen seem small and closed off, not to mention it would disrupt the wonderful flow that our house has. Then out of the blue, the idea of french doors popped into our heads! They would still let light through and could be left open during the day! No, a bedroom off the kitchen isn’t 100% ideal, but it is definitely preferable to four big girls in a little room!
So let me just jump to the conclusion. Putting our oldest girls, Alice and Elsie in this new room has been literally life changing for our daily living as a family! Everyone has the space they need now! There’s still more work to be done: curtains for the french doors, a small sliding “barn door” cover for a window into the room from the kitchen, a real door off of the living room into the room, and turning the present storage closet into a fully functioning clothes closet. But even in its incomplete state, the girls are thrilled in their new space. Such a blessing.
The girls and I decided on a 1970s decor for the room. They were inspired by Mary’s apartment in The Mary Tyler Moore show. So lots of yellow, shades of green, wood, wicker, owls, and plants! We all love how it turned out. Take a peek!

Hope you enjoyed the tour!